Hello July!

The birthstone for July is the ruby, a red gem that's associated with passion, vitality, and courage. The name ruby comes from the Latin word ruber, which means "red". The finest rubies are a deep red with hints of purple, called "pigeon's blood". Rubies get their color from trace amounts of chromium, so the more chromium, the stronger the red. 

Rubies are a variety of the mineral corundum and are second only to diamonds in terms of durability. They score a 9 out of 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, meaning they're very resistant to breakage and scratching. Rubies can also be used to celebrate a 15th or 40th wedding anniversary.

Read this post from the GIA on Ruby here:

It's March!

Aquamarine and Bloodstone are the two birthstones for March. Both are very different. Read this article by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) on the March birthstones here:

GJ103: "Fundamentals of Jewelry Appraisal"

Attention all Jewelry, Insurance, and Associated Professionals! Or, anyone interested in learning about the world of Jewelry Appraisal. Join me for this informative and educational webinar on Thursday, June 15 from 5pm-9pm. Presented by ASA Gem & Jewelry Education. For more information or to register click: here